




Upcoming events

Teacher Pickup Days in May

Teachers from Title I schools in Orange County can pick up free books for students! Go to the tab for Teacher Pickup Days to sign up.

Book Donation Day

On May 20, from 11-5, we will be collecting new and gently used books for children and youth at our book storage location at First Congregational Church of Winter Park, 225 S. Interlachen Ave. in downtown Winter Park. The driveway loop will be available for drop off. Please no dirty, torn, or scribbled in books.



Past events

AdventHealth University volunteer day!

Add a photo above and a AdventHealth University volunteers built bookcases, hauled books, painted cabinets, and sorted and stickered books.

Spirit Keepers Men's group from First Congregational Church of Winter Park work day!

Spirit Keepers Men's group from First Congregational Church of Winter Park finished and painted Little Free Libraries to place in low income areas.

Healthy Start takes books to new moms!

Healthy Start sends our books out to new moms with their home visit program. Books are now included with other essentials like diapers and formula.

Rock Lake Elementary Free Library!

We provided books to Rock Lake Elementary, a Title I school with 89% of their students living in poverty. The children can take books from the Free Library to read and take home without having to worry about returning them.  

Boys and Girls Clubs get a Little Free Library!

Boys and Girls Club in Pine Hills has one of our Little Free Libraries, which we service, always providing a fresh supply of books. This club is next to Mollie Ray Elementary , a Title I school. 

Mensa Cares!

Volunteers from Central Florida Mensa put together bookcases and a book rack, and also sorted, shelved, stamped and stickered thousands of books. Mensans love books!