We are looking for people with an array of interests and skill sets. We need to
Maintain a website and social media presence
Secure donated office and book storage space (optimally in Pine Hills),
Sort donated books and check for age and reading levels,
Stamp or sticker new books,
Shelve books,
Help teachers at Teacher Pick up Days,
Donate or ask for donations of books for children and youth - babies through high school,
Conduct Storytime readings,
Deliver books - adopt a Little Free Library to maintain, or a school to coordinate book events with, and
Contact schools, preschools and businesses to set up book distribution points and community engagement.
Paint cabinets to decorate them for Little Free Libraries.
Call us at 321-204-4469 to help.
″‘I could never have done it,’ he objected, ‘without everyone else’s help.‘”
-- Norton Juster, The Phantom Tollbooth